COVIRIX vs Other available small molecule antivirals

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Current Approved Antivirals



COVIRIX vs other available small molecule antivirals

We have not witnessed a more intense effort to find a solution to a pandemic than for the current Covid-19 situation. Unprecedented amounts of money and talent have been thrown at this disease in the time frame since it emerged. Many companies are competing for the magic bullet that will eliminate the virus without side effects and be hugely profitable as well as globally recognised.

Remdesivir which was initially lauded as a saviour has had its recommendation for use removed by the WHO because of lack of clinical effect. The cost was around US$3000 a course and administered intravenously.

The recently announced oral antivirals from Merck (Molnupiravir) and Pfizer (Paxlovid) while exciting developments, these are widely reported to carry with them known significant issues. Pfizer Paxlovid costs around US$730 for a 5-day course, while Merck Molnupiravir costs US$500 per course. These prices are outside the ability for the majority to pay without government subsidy. Given the modes of action and known risks, each will require individual medical assessment, making mass distribution highly problematic.

COVIRIX Medical has world leading experts in virology, pharmaceutical drug development, manufacture, and dose form development who have a global network of contacts and decades of experience in anti-viral drug and inhaled drug development. We have considered all the potential candidate molecules to arrive at our target drugs and the mode of delivery.

A critical differentiator to other known therapeutic approaches is our selection of known and demonstrated small molecule, non-biologics, that are affordable as well as being non-mutagenic/non-carcinogenic/non-teratogenic. We can manufacture these into products with existing technologies, with simple patient compliance to deliver effectively and safely to the respiratory tract target cells in doses well below systemic toxicity by inhaled aerosol delivery. In combination with an inhaled anti-inflammatory, we believe that we can address many of the Long-COVID syndrome issues that are being increasingly recognized.


Level 1, 237 East Boundary Road 
Bentleigh East, Victoria, 3165 



Prof Kumud Dhital
CEO & Director

Richard Li
Executive Director & Head of Corporate Development

Dr Ian Nixon
CMO & Director